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The Beckerman Lab produces research on phenotypic plasticity, food webs and conservation.

Below are a list of Key Publications by Subjects, including work on Plasticity, Food Webs, Conservation.

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Key Publications By Subject Groupings

Predation & Multivariate Plasticity (Daphnia and Grasshoppers)

Reger, J. Lind, MI, Robinson*, M. Beckerman*, AP 2017 Predation drives local adaptation of phenotypic plasticity Nature Ecology and Evolution (in press) [*equal contribution]

Carter, MJ, Lind, MI, Hentley, W. Dennis, SR, Beckerman, AP 2017 Evolution of a predator-induced, non-linear reaction norm Proceedings of the Royal Society 284 20170859 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.0859

Lind, M. I., K. Yarlett, J. Reger, M. J. Carter, and A. P. Beckerman. 2015. The alignment between phenotypic plasticity, the major axis of genetic variation and the response to selection. Proceedings of the Royal Society 282: 20151651.

Cambronero, MC, Marshall, H., De Meester, L., Davidson, AT, Beckerman*, AP, Orsini*, L 2016 Forecasting species persistence to future global change by learning from past evolutionary dynamics Journal of Animal Ecology (in revision) [*equal contribution]

Robinson, M. R., and A. P. Beckerman. 2013. Quantifying multivariate plasticity: genetic variation in resource acquisition drives plasticity in resource allocation to components of life history. Ecology Letters:281-290.

Dennis, S. D., G. A. LeBlanc, and A. P. Beckerman. 2014. Endocrine regulation of predator-induced phenotypic plasticity. Oecologia 176:625–635.

Beckerman, A. P., J. de Roij, S. R. Dennis, and T. J. Little. 2013. A shared mechanism of defense against predators and parasites: chitin regulation and its implications for life-history theory. Ecology and Evolution 3:5119-5126.

Mikolajewski, D. J., B. Wohlfahrt, G. Joop, and A. P. Beckerman. 2013. Sexual size dimorphism and the integration of phenotypically plastic traits. Ecological Entomology 38:418-428.

Dennis, S. R., M. J. Carter, W. T. Hentley, and A. P. Beckerman. (2011). Phenotypic convergence along a gradient of predation risk. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 278:1687-1969.

Hammill, E., P. Kratina, A. P. Beckerman, and B. R. Anholt. (2010). Precise time interactions between behavioural and morphological defences. Oikos 119:494-499.

Hammill, E., and A. P. Beckerman. (2010). Reciprocity in predator-prey interactions: exposure to defended prey and predation risk affects intermediate predator life history and morphology. Oecologia 163:193-202.

Beckerman, A. P., G. M. Rodgers, and S. R. Dennis. (2010). The reaction norm of size and age at maturity under multiple predator risk. Journal of Animal Ecology 79:1069-1076.

Mikolajewski, D. J., M. De Block, J. Rolff, F. Johansson, A. P. Beckerman, and R. Stoks. (2010). Predator-driven trait diversification in a dragonfly genus: covariation in behavioral and morphological antipredator defense. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution 64:3327-3325. 

Barton, B. T., A. P. Beckerman, and O. J. Schmitz. (2009). Climate warming strengthens indirect interactions in an old-field food web. Ecology 90:2346-2351.

Hammill, E., A. Rogers, and A. P. Beckerman. (2008). Costs, benefits and the evolution of inducible defences: a case study with Daphnia pulex. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21:705-715.

Beckerman, A. P., K. Wieski, and D. J. Baird. (2007). Behavioural versus physiological mediation of life history under predation risk. Oecologia 152:335-343.

Beckerman, A. P. (2005). The shape of things eaten: the functional response of herbivores foraging adaptively. Oikos 110:591-601.

Schmitz, O. J., P. A. Hamback, and A. P. Beckerman. (2000). Trophic cascades in terrestrial systems: A review of the effects of carnivore removals on plants. American Naturalist 155:141-153.

Beckerman, A. P., M. Uriarte, and O. J. Schmitz. (1997). Experimental evidence for a behavior-mediated trophic cascade in a terrestrial food chain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 94:10735-10738.

Schmitz, O. J., A. P. Beckerman, and K. M. O'Brien. (1997). Behaviorally mediated trophic cascades: Effects of predation risk on food web interactions. Ecology 78:1388-1399.

Schmitz, O. J., J. L. Cohon, K. D. Rothley, and A. P. Beckerman. (1998). Reconciling variability and optimal behaviour using multiple criteria in optimization models. Evolutionary Ecology 12:73-94.

Algae, Phenotypic Plasticity & Synthetic Biology

Russo, D., Beckerman, A.P., Pandhal. J. 2017 Competitive growth experiments with a high-lipid Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutant strain and its wild-type to predict industrial and ecological risks. AMB Express (Applied and Industrial Biotechnology) 7:10 DOI: 10.1186/s13568-016-0305-x

Roccuzzo, S., Beckerman, A.P. and Pandhal, J. 2016. The use of natural infochemicals for sustainable and efficient harvesting of microalgae for biotechnology: insights from a meta-analysis. Biotechnology Letters 38(12): 1983–1990 doi:  10.1007/s10529-016-2192-2

Russo, D. Beckerman, AP, Couto, N., Pandhal,J. 2016. A metaproteomic analysis of the response of a freshwater microbial community under nutrient enrichment. Frontiers in Microbiology 7 1172 (doi:  10.3389/fmicb.2016.01172)

Food Webs

Thierry, A., O. L. Petchey, A. P. Beckerman, P. H. Warren, and R. J. Williams. (2011). The consequences of size dependent foraging for food web topology. Oikos 120:493-502.

Thierry, A., A. P. Beckerman, P. H. Warren, R. J. Williams, A. J. Cole, and O. L. Petchey. (2011). Adaptive foraging and the rewiring of size-structured food webs following extinctions. Basic and Applied Ecology 12:562-570.

Petchey, O. L., A. P. Beckerman, J. O. Riede, and P. H. Warren. (2011). Fit, efficiency, and biology: some thoughts on judging food web models. Journal of Theoretical Biology 279:169-171.

Petchey, O. L., A. P. Beckerman, J. O. Riede, and P. H. Warren. (2008). Size, foraging, and food web structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105:4191-4196.

Beckerman, A. P., O. L. Petchey, and P. J. Morin. (2010). Adaptive foragers and community ecology: linking individuals to communities and ecosystems. Functional Ecology 24:1-6.

Beckerman, A. P., O. L. Petchey, and P. H. Warren. (2006). Foraging biology predicts food web complexity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103:13745-13749.

Beckerman, A. P., and O. L. Petchey. (2009). Infectious food webs. Journal of Animal Ecology 78:493-496.

Schmitz, O. J., A. P. Beckerman, and S. Litman. (1997). Functional responses of adaptive consumers and community stability with emphasis on the dynamics of plant-herbivore systems. Evolutionary Ecology 11:773-784.

Population Dynamics, Cycling & Synchrony

Beckerman, A. P., T. G. Benton, C. T. Lapsley, and N. Koesters. (2006). How effective are maternal effects at having effects? Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 273:485-493.

Plaistow, S. J., C. T. Lapsley, A. P. Beckerman, and T. G. Benton. (2004). Age and size at maturity: sex, environmental variability and developmental thresholds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 271:919-924.

Beckerman, A. P., T. G. Benton, C. T. Lapsley, and N. Koesters. (2003). Talkin' 'bout my generation: Environmental variability and cohort effects. American Naturalist 162:754-767.

Benton, T. G., C. T. Lapsley, and A. P. Beckerman. (2002). The population response to environmental noise: population size, variance and correlation in an experimental system. Journal of Animal Ecology 71:320-322.

Beckerman, A. P., T. G. Benton, E. Ranta, V. Kaitala, and P. Lundberg. (2002). Population dynamic consequences of delayed life-history effects. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 17:263-269.

Benton, T. G., S. J. Plaistow, A. P. Beckerman, C. T. Lapsley, and S. Littlejohns. (2005). Changes in maternal investment in eggs can affect population dynamics. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (Series B) - Biology 272:1351-1356.

Benton, T. G., E. Ranta, V. Kaitala, and A. P. Beckerman. (2001). Maternal effects and the stability of population dynamics in noisy environments. Journal of Animal Ecology 70:590-599.

Benton, T. G., C. T. Lapsley, and A. P. Beckerman. (2001). Population synchrony and environmental variation: an experimental demonstration. Ecology Letters 4:236-243.


Roberts M.H., Martin R.O., Beckerman A.P. & Williams S.R. 2014. Occupation rates of artificial and restored natural nest cavities by yellow-shouldered Amazons Amazona barbadensis on Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands. Conservation Evidence, 11, 39-42. 

Beckerman, A. P., M. Boots, and K. J. Gaston. (2007). Urban bird declines and the fear of cats. Animal Conservation 10:320-325.

Graham, K., A. P. Beckerman, and S. Thirgood. (2005). Human-predator-prey conflicts: ecological correlates, prey losses and patterns of management. Biological Conservation 122:159-171.

Votier, S. C., B. J. Hatchwell, A. Beckerman, R. H. McCleery, F. M. Hunter, J. Pellatt, M. Trinder, and T. R. Birkhead. (2005). Oil pollution and climate have wide-scale impacts on seabird demographics. Ecology Letters 8:1157-1164.

Petchey, O. L., M. Pontarp, T. M. Massie, S. Kéfi, A. Ozgul, M. Weilenmann, G. M. Palamara, F. Altermatt, B. Matthews, J. M. Levine, D. Z. Childs, B. J. McGill, M. E. Schaepman, P. Spaak, A. P. Beckerman, F. Pennekamp, and I. S. Pearse. 2015. The Ecological Forecast Horizon, and examples of its uses and determinants. Ecology Letters 18: 597–611 DOI: 10.1111/ele.12443


Beckerman, A. P. (2002). The distribution of Melanoplus femurrubrum: fear and freezing in Connecticut. Oikos 99:131-140.

Beckerman, A. P. (2000). Counterintuitive outcomes of interspecific competition between two grasshopper species along a resource gradient. Ecology 81:948-957.

Beckerman, A. P. 1999. The distribution of the red legged grasshopper, Melanoplus femurrubrum, among old fields: resolving a counterintuitive pattern. Yale University, New Haven, CT.

Scholes, L., P. H. Warren, and A. P. Beckerman. (2005). The combined effects of energy and disturbance on species richness in protist microcosms. Ecology Letters 8:730-738.

Hamback, P. A., and A. P. Beckerman. (2003). Herbivory and plant resource competition: a review of two interacting interactions. Oikos 101:26-37.

Thompson, K., O. L. Petchey, A. P. Askew, N. P. Dunnett, A. P. Beckerman, and A. J. Willis. (2010). Little evidence for limiting similarity in a long-term study of a roadside plant community. Journal of Ecology 98:480-487.


Orsini, L … Beckerman, AP…Frilander. M. (14 authors) 2016. Daphnia magna transcriptome by RNA-Seq across 12 environmental stressors. Scientific Data doi:10.1038/sdata.2016.30.

Beckerman, AP, Childs, DZ, Bergland, AO 2016. Eco-evolutionary Biology: Feeding and Feedback Loops (Invited Dispatch). Current Biology 26 (4), R161–R164

Farkas, TE, Hendry A, Nosil, P and Beckerman AP. 2015. How maladaptation can structure biodiversity: eco-evolutionary island biogeography. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30(3) 154-160 DOI:

Chevin, L. M., and A. P. Beckerman. 2012. From adaptation to molecular evolution. Heredity 108:457-459.

Stapley, J., J. Reger, P. G. D. Feulner, C. Smadja, J. Galindo, R. Ekblom, C. Bennison, A. D. Ball, A. P. Beckerman, and J. Slate. (2010). Adaptation genomics: the next generation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25:705-712.

Helping People with Statistics (Mixed Effects to EOFs, Flies, Birds and Glaciers)

Mernild SH, Liston, GE, Hiemstra, C, Beckerman AP, Yde JC, McPhee, J. 2016 The Andes Cordillera. Part IV: Spatiotemporal freshwater runoff distribution to adjacent seas (1979–2014) International Journal of Climatology DOI: 10.1002/joc.4922

Mernild SH, Beckerman AP, Yde JC, Hanna E, Malmros JK, Wilson R, Zemp M. 2015. Mass loss and imbalance of glaciers along the Andes Cordillera to the sub-Antarctic islands Global and Planetary Change 133:109-119.

Mernild, S. H., E. Hanna, J. R. McConnell, M. Sigl, A. P. Beckerman, J. C. Yde, J. Cappelen, J. K. Malmros, and K. Steffen. 2015. Greenland precipitation trends in a long-term instrumental climate context (1890–2012): evaluation of coastal and ice core records. International Journal of Climatology:35:303–320

Hatchwell, B. J., S. P. Sharp, A. P. Beckerman, and J. Meade. 2013. Ecological and demographic correlates of helping behaviour in a cooperatively breeding bird. The Journal of animal ecology.

Beckerman, A. P., S. P. Sharp, and B. J. Hatchwell. (2011). Predation and kin-structured populations: an empirical perspective on the evolution of cooperation. Behavioral Ecology 22:1294-1303.

Meade, J., K.-B. Nam, A. P. Beckerman, and B. J. Hatchwell. (2010). Consequences of 'load-lightening' for future indirect fitness gains by helpers in a cooperatively breeding bird. Journal of Animal Ecology 79:529-537.

Evison, S. E. F., O. L. Petchey, A. P. Beckerman, and F. L. W. Ratnieks. (2008). Combined use of pheromone trails and visual landmarks by the common garden ant Lasius niger. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63:261-267.

Hentley, WT., Vanbergen AJ, Beckerman, AP, Brien MN, Hails, RS, Jones, TH & Johnson, SN. 2015. Antagonistic interactions between an invasive and native coccinellid species may promote coexistence, Journal of Animal Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12519 (p 1087-1097)

Cameron, T. C., D. Metcalfe, A. P. Beckerman, and S. M. Sait. (2007). Intraspecific competition: The role of lags between attack and death in host-parasitoid interactions. Ecology 88:1225-1231.

Bacigalupe, L. D., K. Barrientos, A. P. Beckerman, M. J. Carter, C. C. Figueroa, S. P. Foster, A. J. Moore, A. X. Silva, and R. F. Nespolo. 2013. Can invasions occur without change? A comparison of G-matrices and selection in the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae. Ecology and Evolution 3:5109-5118.

Barria, A., M. Lardies, A. Beckerman, and L. Bacigalupe. 2014. Latitude or biogeographic breaks? Determinants of phenotypic (co)variation in fitness-related traits in Betaeus truncatus along the Chilean coast. Marine Biology:1-8.

Cuddington, H, A.P. Beckerman, R.R. Snook. 2005. Experimental removal and elevation of sexual selection: Does sexual selection generate manipulative males and resistant females? American Naturalist 165: S72-S87.

Beckerman, AP. 2014. What can modern statistical tools do for limnology? Journal of Limnology 73 (s1).